If you are facing foreclosure and your bank is refusing to work with you, railroading you into endless loan modification processes, losing your paperwork, giving you the runaround, etc. YOU ARE PROBABLY A VICTIM OF MORTGAGE FRAUD and the bank is HIDING the truth about your loan. According to a groundbreaking new independent audit of the mortgage market, 99% of mortgages in foreclosure have ERRORS in the chain of assignments that make the note invalid and the foreclosure ILLEGAL. And 84% are tainted by outright FRAUD and VIOLATIONS of the Law.
This is the paper mill that Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and many other banks used to forge documents to illegally foreclose on unsuspecting homeowners. Most of the time the bank no longer owns the mortgage note (having sold it to private investors and already made their money back many times over) and therefore has no right to foreclose on the home - instead they hire dishonest FRAUD companies like DocX to make FAKE mortgage notes with fake signatures and often wrong dates, to illegally steal your home!
DocX - Document "Sweat Shop" subsidiary of Lenders Processing Services (LPS)
DocX - NOW CLOSED !!! this "paper mill" office ..... now considered...... a crime scene
DocX - NOW CLOSED !!! this "paper mill" office ..... now considered...... a crime scene
Evidence of ROBO-SIGNING and FRAUD on Mortgages
LINDA GREEN'S MANY SIGNATURES - Linda was LPS's most successful employee - there were HUNDREDS of Linda Greens with thousands of different signatures and handwriting styles.
"My registry is a CRIME SCENE as evidenced by this forensic examination...
I can tell you that every single assignment of mortgage that was recorded for the purpose of foreclosing the homeowner is invalid, overtly fraudulent, or criminally fraudulent. This is disgusting, and this is criminal" (John O'Brien - Massachusetts Register)
....has affected thousands of homeowners..their property rights
trampled on and their chain of title compromised. This evidence has made
it clear.... banks such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP
Morgan and others...... have played fast and loose with people’s biggest
asset – their homes. My findings also show.....clouds on title due to the recording of defective and invalid discharges and assignments of mortgage.
Documents included 1,947 signed by Linda Green with 15 different signature variations
REGISTER OF DEEDS JEFF THIGPEN REFUSES TO CREATE A CRIME SCENERegister of DeedsThigpen sent state and federal regulators over 4,500 robo-signed documents submitted by DocX, a company owned by Lender Processing Services contracted by Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and MERS amongst others. See letter sent to Iowa Attorney General "detailing crimes" (HERE)
Marie McDonald (McDonnell Property Analytics) through a legal affidavit, explained the results of her independent audit of Register John O’Brien's registry. It reads in part: ...."the banks set up in-house document execution teams, or outsourced the preparation of their assignments to third parties who manufactured them out of thin air without researching who really owns the mortgage.… "What this means is that the degradation in standards fatally flawed that the institutions, including many pension funds, that purchased these mortgages don’t actually own them because the assignments of mortgage were never prepared, executed and delivered the normal course of business at the time of the transaction.
Lawyer Extraordinaire!Lynn Symoniak
A FRAUDclosure victim in the 60 minutes story but a "Hero" to homeowners. Lynn has sacrificed for all of us - Great Job Lynn!Watch her 60 Minutes story (and her exposure of the Linda Green mortgage forgeries) HERE:
Michigan AG
The attorney general said he is seeking information about documents signed by DocX employees both male and female FRAUDulently signing as “Linda Green.” “Allegations of forged mortgage documents
are very serious and require a thorough investigation, I will continue
to work closely with federal and local authorities to find answers.
FLORIDA: R. B. "CHIPS" SHORE - Manatee County - Clerk As Florida’s foreclosure crisis continues, Manatee County Clerk of the
Circuit Court & Comptroller, R.B. “Chips” Shore, suggests that
property owners conduct regular and routine public records searches for
faulty liens and other documents that may be filed against their
property. As the foreclosure process and “foreclosure mills” came under
scrutiny for inaccurate documentation and other issues, the need to show
clear and accurate title to one’s property came to the forefront.
Who's authorizing the filing of FRAUDulent documents on Florida property owners?
Washington State Attorney General (Rob McKenna) filed a lawsuit against the Bank of America's "Recon Trust" for conducting ILLEGAL FORECLOSURES on THOUSANDS of Washington State homeowners.
The suit alleges, amongst many charges, that "ReconTrust":
Washington Attorney General sues ReconTrust for illegal foreclosures (press release here)
Some examples of the Bank of America & ReconTrust documents below:
(The Art & Science of Robo-signing (New & Improved Document Fabrication)
Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds Nancy Becker is urging registers of deeds across state and the country to withdraw public money from any banks affiliated with the Mortgage Electronic Registry System (MERS), which she claims is undermining the practice of accurate land recording.
recent years, mortgages have been assigned and reassigned multiple
times, and when a bank or other entity doesn’t properly report these
transfers, it makes it very difficult for homeowners to determine who
holds their mortgages. It clouds the chain of title, and it’s prohibiting (officials) from recording revenues they should be recording," Becker said. FORECLOSURE FRAUD SB -824 bill
(Click below) Press release - Showing how this bill - has solutions - to stop FRAUD
(Click below) OUTSTANDING letter outlining FRAUD and problems
Outline-Explanation of FRAUD and ProblemAre YOU a victim of mortgage fraud and illegal foreclosure? Do you suspect your bank is NOT telling you the whole truth?
CALL US TODAY TO KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Our risk-free consultation will let you know IMMEDIATELY what you need to do to protect your home, regardless of income or how far behind you are on your payments.
Call 1-855-LAW-5559.
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